Environmental protection

The purpose of environmental protection is to protect nature and the environment in order to ensure a pleasant, clean and stimulating environment for present and future residents.

The environmental protection authority of the municipalities of Kemijärvi, Pelkosenniemi, Salla and Savukoski is the Kemijärvi City Environmental Health Board, and the official duties are performed by two environmental inspectors.

The tasks of environmental protection include:

  • Processing of applications and notifications under the Environmental Protection Act
  • Waste management and litter control
  • Climate and water protection
  • Noise abatement
  • Enforcement of the off-road traffic law, the water traffic law and the outdoor activities law
  • Processing of applications for exemption from the obligation to connect to water supply and sewerage under the Water Management Act
  • Water law enforcement
  • Permits and supervision of extraction of soil, including domestic extraction
  • Monitoring the state of the environment and other tasks required by environmental protection legislation
  • Issues related to the field of environmental protection and topical environmental issues and advice

More information:

Contact details:

Environmental Inspector
Elina Aaltonen
Vapaudenkatu 8 B (3rd floor)
98100 Kemijärvi
tel.040 542 3354
Environmental Inspector
Pekka Liisanantti
Vapaudenkatu 8 B (3rd floor)
98100 Kemijärvi
tel.040 520 3162