Services for migrants

Kemijärvi is a safe and pleasant city to live in. We are a good place to live and try! The aim is that everyone in Kemijärvi, regardless of their origin, can safely participate in building their own lives.

The city ensures that basic services are also suitable and accessible to immigrants. We offer the same basic services to immigrants as to other citizens. Social and health services are provided by the Lapland Welfare Region, whose services for immigrants can be found on the website of the Welfare Region at

In addition to the city, the Lapland TE Office – TE Services offers advice and guidance to immigrants.

For example, you can ask the TE services or your municipality to carry out an initial assessment for you. After the initial assessment, you will be given an integration plan. An integration plan is always drawn up if you are:

  • an unemployed jobseeker, or
  • receive income support, or
  • you are under 18 years old and have no guardian in Finland.

The initial assessment assesses employment, study and other integration skills, as well as the need for language training and other integration measures and services.

To this end, the initial assessment will include information on previous education, work history, language skills and, if necessary, other factors that may affect employment and integration.

Based on the initial assessment, an individual integration plan will be drawn up with you, in which measures and services will be agreed to support your chances of acquiring sufficient language skills and the knowledge and skills needed in working life, and to promote your opportunities to participate as an equal member of Finnish society.

Contact details for immigration services

Päivi Piisilä, Integration Contact Päivi Piisilä
Client reception by appointment, tel. 040 480 6093.

Advice is available in Finnish and, if necessary, with the help of an interpreter.

For more information:

Information for people arriving from Ukraine to Kemijärvelle -Інфо для українців

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InfoFinland is available in Finnish, Swedish, English, Russian, Estonian, French, Ukrainian, Spanish, Turkish, Chinese, Persian and Arabic. All language versions are identical.